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Passionate About Life

Being mindful and self-aware is a practice that brings me closer to the true meaning and simplicity of life. 

I challenge myself to raise my level of consciousness, knowing full well that non-judgment and presence in “the here and now” are easier said than done. I support and inspire others in these life-changing processes.

In my various roles, as a wife, a mother, a conflict mediator, a coach and an adult trainer, I have realized that far too often we bring suffering into our lives, wasting time and energy that could otherwise serve us better.

I believe being mindful about our choices is something that implies practice and a purposeful effort but something we can all access. 

So, if “mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally” (John Kabat-Zin), then, my mission is to spread this way of life in a kind and regenerative manner so we can all live a more harmonious life.


  • PDC - Permaculture Design Course by Aldeia do Vale

  • MBSR - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - Qualified Teacher by the UC San Diego - Center for Mindfulness Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute

  • Awarded EYE - Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs prize for Best Host Entrepreneur

  • Business Coaching Certification by More Institute - European Coaching Association and PCC - Professional Certified Coach by the ICF - International Coaching Federation 

  • MTa Certified in Experiential Learning by Martin Thompson Associates;

  • DiSC Trainer by Wiley

  • Certified as a Trainer by Portuguese state entity DGERT

  • Nationally and internationally certified as a Conflict Mediator, with several specializations, Portugal (Portuguese Ministry of Justice) & European Union  

  • Advanced Course in Adult Training (1st year of PhD in Education at Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa) 

  • Master's Degree in European Studies (Italy, Rome)

  • BA Honours Degree in International Relations (ISCSP - Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - Universidade de Lisboa). Erasmus student in France, Strasbourg 

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